Face IT@home

Online Support Tool For People With A Visible Difference


Aged 12 -17 years Or a health professional of someone this age? Please visit YPFaceIT

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The website has been designed by users and includes various activities, illustrations, photographs, videos and advice from people with visible differences.

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Your Guides

Get familiar with these faces; Aly, Alistair & Alex will be your guides around the new Face IT platform


In 2012 The Centre for Appearance research at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol launched their new online support tool for adults with disfigurements - ‘Face IT'...

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Get Started

To get started is simple and easy.

Let's Go


Aged 12 -17 years Or a health professional of someone this age? Please visit YPFaceIT

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This is a place where you can meet and socialise with other people with a visible difference. You can discuss your experience of Face IT@home, talk about any worries you may have or offer support to others.

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"Face IT has helped me not to be so angry when people approach me to ask me what's wrong. Face IT has taught me to stay calm and smile. It's better than frowning."